Watermelon diet, as most of the mono-diet is not recommended to continue for more than five days. During this time the body will get rid of toxins, excess water, as well as accumulated salts.
In our directory you can find many different diseases, and methods for their treatment.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Adrenogenital syndrome
Adrenogenital syndrome - a pathological condition caused by congenital virilizing adrenal hyperplasia, accompanied usually lack in the body gluco-corticoid and androgen excess.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
British diet
British diet for those who can not do without dinner, but few can have for breakfast: a minimum of calories in the morning peak - in the evening (until 19.00). British diet is designed for a week, weight loss can make 2-3 kg. During the week, choose one (in any combination) version for each meal.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Acromegaly - neuroendocrine disease caused by a lesion of the hypothalamus and (or) pituitary and manifesting a pathological increase in the hands, feet, facial bones, the growth of soft tissues, increasing the internal organs, thickening of the skin, and metabolic disorders.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Diagnosis of pregnancy: insight into the history of
Inquisitive mind of man for centuries struggled to solve this problem. For example, the ancient iudeek, ask the eternal question, forced to walk on the soft grass, and then studied the depth of their trail. Women of the tribe of Mao forced to chew rice with bamboo, then priests, and midwives carefully studied chewed mix, focusing especially on its smell.
Friday, December 17, 2010
ACCOMMODATION - to change the refractive power eye, ensuring its ability to clearly see objects at different distances. Physiological mechanism of accommodation lies in the fact that the reduction of eye ciliary muscle fibers are relaxed ciliary girdle with which the lens is attached to the ciliary body. This decreases the tension of the bag the lens, and it is thanks to its elastic properties becomes more convex.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Acclimatization - the process of adaptation of the human body to new climatic conditions (mountainous terrain, a hot or cold climate, etc.). Acclimatization in mountain terrain. The main factors that negatively affect the body in the mountainous terrain, is to reduce the concentration of oxygen in the air and low barometric pressure, and high intensity of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Azotemia - excessive blood levels of certain products of nitrogen metabolism: urea, uric acid, creatine, creatinine, etc. azotemia often caused by failure of renal excretory function, but may also depend on extrarenal factors - increased protein breakdown (burns), difficulty of urination ( with adenoma of the prostate gland, compression of the ureters).
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Determination of the alleged date of birth
Normal full pregnancy can last from 38 to 42 weeks. According to studies, only four women out of a hundred give birth in the corresponding period. Most give birth within 2 weeks before or after the expected date. Date of birth determines what you like your doctor, only approximate.
First aid at ARI
The list of acute respiratory disease is fairly wide. Here an ordinary catarrh of the upper respiratory tract (laryngitis, tracheitis), and bronchitis, and influenza, and, finally, pneumonia, which often end with the above infections. Many of these diseases often occur, so to speak, classically, that is, within a few days come to an end in recovery without the use of potent medications.
Sequence of first-aid measures
While rendering the first emergency and first aid must adhere to a particular sequence. Incidentally, the term "first aid" here and below is meant not only the first-aid measures. For example, in grudnichkovogo child suffered constipation (which often occurs in this age group). Naturally, the question about the rapid (within minutes) assistance is not either. But first aid should be given to putting the baby cleansing enema. Or, say, a man crawled into his ear ant.
Signs of life and death
If life - one of the highest forms of movement and the organization of matter, then death - irreversible cessation of vital activity, the inevitable natural end to the existence of any living creature. But death, especially in our time, quite often the result of murder, suicide, injuries incompatible with life. Having the appropriate skills to provide urgent and emergency care, we are unable to return "from the other world" of many people.
Rules tablets
If necessary, emergency medicine taken at any time of day. Most of the ingested drugs act in an adult person on average about 4-6 hours, and antidiabetics - 10-12 hours. And only the oppression of liver function (eg, cirrhosis, especially alcoholic origin) or kidney duration of medication increases to 8-12 hours after administration.
Pharmacological effect. Mechanism of action similar to amoxicillin.Indications for use. For the treatment of patients with pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, with lung abscess, tonsillitis, peritonitis, cholecystitis, sepsis, intestinal infections, and postoperative infections, soft tissue and other infections caused by organisms sensitive to it.
How to use a syringe
Should master the rules of thumb to use a syringe and learn how to do injections (intramuscular and subcutaneous). Before you pick up a syringe and a medicine for injection (vial, bottle), you should wash your hands thoroughly, preferably with a brush and soap and then rub the cotton swab with alcohol.
How to measure body temperature
An important indicator of health - the body temperature. Usually measured the temperature of the skin, for measuring it in other places (for example, in the rectum) may give biased parameters in the diagnosis of certain diseases.
How to determine the nature of respiration and pulse
Important is the pulse rate and its features. Pulse - jerky vibrations of the walls of blood vessels arising from the heart and depend on the completeness of ejection of blood from the heart into the vascular system.
How to measure blood pressure
Each of us must possess the necessary minimum of medical intervention. Should I run a clinic, to spend the nerves, and sometimes money, to invite the doctor to measure blood pressure, an injection or, say, the vapor supply pipe? Certainly not worth it. These and most easily master.
Pharmacological effect. 1C antiarrhythmic drug class.
Indications for use. Supraventricular and ventricular extrasystoles, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and flutter, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, including Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia.
Indications for use. Supraventricular and ventricular extrasystoles, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and flutter, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, including Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia.
Signs of Pregnancy
The most typical signs of pregnancy may be most important for diagnosis are divided into three groups: questionable, probable and credible. ALLEGED (doubtful) SIGNS OF PREGNANCYThese characteristics include various kinds of subjective experiences:
Diagnosis of pregnancy
The first question of the future mother, she asks herself, as soon as the first sign of pregnancy: Pregnant Am I really? "None of the early signs of pregnancy are not a hundred percent confirmation of pregnancy. Various signs and symptoms of pregnancy - it just pointers, which need to pay attention. You can show all the signs of pregnancy, but you can not be pregnant. Conversely, you may have only a few of the signs and you'll pregnant.
Pregnancy and childbirth
Pregnancy - is one of the most important moments in the lives of women. It was during pregnancy, she feels her mission, aware of its role in the lives of all mankind. Whatever happens in the lives of women during pregnancy - all loses its seemingly great importance, when she reminisces about his unusual condition. At this time, it becomes more responsive to your body, pay attention to every change in even the most unobtrusive.
Diet Angel aims to alter your metabolism. On this diet you can lose up to 7 kg. True, it was quite hungry, and to sustain it for two weeks, we must have patience of job. Drinks in addition to the above - only water (plain or mineral). Carrots can be replaced with a tomato and vice versa.
Pineapple diet
Pineapple diet is designed for 5 days and help get rid of a few kilograms. Pineapple - a unique piece of fruit: 100 grams of its juicy pulp contains only 56 calories, as it includes the enzyme bromelain, greatly accelerating the digestion of proteins, it enhances the action of gastric juice. It applies only to fresh pineapples. Canned pose no dietary value, since the heat treatment a valuable enzyme is destroyed.
American diet
American diet - one of the most fashionable in Europe today, ideal for those who can refuse dinners. Diet does not prevent either sweet or starchy foods, no alcohol, does not compel count calories. It is possible to sit for a long time.
Diet "Amazon" comes to us from Belgium. Its developers believe that human nutrition is predetermined by his genetic predisposition, life rhythm, biorhythms, occupation, and many other factors. According to the creators of the diet, there are three types of women, and for each of them should be a separate power plan, which helps women organize their diet. It is proposed a three-day menu, designed to help get rid of extra 1.5 kilograms. If the diet is well tolerated, it is possible to observe and longer.
Adnexitis (syn.: salpingo) - inflammation of the uterus (fallopian tubes and ovaries). Adnexitis caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus, chlamydia, gonococcus, Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infectious agents penetrate into the uterus from the vagina, cervix and uterus, much less they spread through the blood and lymphatic vessels (eg, tuberculosis).
Adenoma - a benign tumor that develops from the epithelium of glandular organs. Adenoma is a round node, clearly limited by the surrounding tissue. There are simple adenoma, which dominates the expansion of the glandular epithelium, and fibroadenomas, which dominates the expansion of the stroma. Adenoma may be a source of malignant tumors. Treatment is usually surgical.
Adenoids - pathological hypertrophy of pharyngeal tonsil. Pharyngeal tonsil is located in the vault of the nasopharynx. It is well developed in childhood, with approximately 12 years of age decreased in size. In adults, nasopharyngeal tonsil, usually atrophies.
Adenoviral disease
Adenoviral disease (syn.: adenovirus infection) - a group of infectious diseases caused by adenovirus, characterized by symptoms of the mucous membrane of respiratory tract, eyes, intestines and lymphoid tissues. Included in the group of acute respiratory viral infections (ARI). Found everywhere, ranging from 3 to 7% of all SARS in children and 0.6 - 3% in adults.
Agranulocytosis - a syndrome characterized by complete or almost complete disappearance from the blood of granulocytes (granular leukocytes). Distinguish myelotoxic and immune agranulocytosis. Myelotoxic agranulocytosis may be in violation of Education of granulocytes in the bone marrow, for example under the influence of ionizing radiation, benzene vapor, cytotoxic drugs.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Pharmacological effect. Effect of the drug consists of the effects of its constituent compounds. Reserpine reduces vascular tone, nepressol improves cerebral and renal blood flow.
Agnosia - the loss of the ability of recognition in the preservation of the underlying recognition of simple processes of perception. Arises from the lesions of certain areas of the cerebral cortex of the brain in tumors, traumatic brain injury, etc.
Brain abscesses - encapsulated accumulation of pus in the substance of the brain, can occur through contact with infection (with purulent otitis, osteomyelitis, mastoiditis, sinusitis), hematogenous metastasis from a distant source (lung, oral cavity, skin, bone, colon, heart) or as a direct result of infection (with a brain injury or surgical intervention). Children over 60% of brain abscess associated with congenital heart disease, accompanied by the release of blood from right to left.
Abscess (syn.: abscess, abscess) - accumulation of pus in various organs, tissues. Abscesses usually can be localized in different parts of the body: the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, brain, etc.
Should clearly distinguish between an abscess, empyema (pus collects in the hollow organs or body cavities) and phlegmon (purulent inflammation of the tissues). Pyogenic abscess is characterized by the presence of the membrane, producing exudate and delimited necrotic process. Typically, the agent of purulent process is staphylococcus. Quite often, it acts in association with other microbes (Escherichia coli, Proteus, Streptococcus, etc.).
Should clearly distinguish between an abscess, empyema (pus collects in the hollow organs or body cavities) and phlegmon (purulent inflammation of the tissues). Pyogenic abscess is characterized by the presence of the membrane, producing exudate and delimited necrotic process. Typically, the agent of purulent process is staphylococcus. Quite often, it acts in association with other microbes (Escherichia coli, Proteus, Streptococcus, etc.).
ABORTION - Abortion in the period up to 28 weeks, counting from the first day of last menstrual period. Distinguish between spontaneous and induced abortion.
Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage, spontaneous abortion) - spontaneous miscarriage before 28 weeks. Depending on the time of abortion conditionally distinguish early (before 12 weeks) and late (12 to 28 weeks) spontaneous abortion. Termination of pregnancy after 28 weeks is usually called a premature birth. Spontaneous abortion, repeated at the next one after the other pregnancies (more than 2-fold), called habitual miscarriage. His reasons may be dysfunction of the ovaries, adrenal cortex, inflammatory diseases of genital organs, previous induced abortions, especially during the first pregnancy, and other factors.
Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage, spontaneous abortion) - spontaneous miscarriage before 28 weeks. Depending on the time of abortion conditionally distinguish early (before 12 weeks) and late (12 to 28 weeks) spontaneous abortion. Termination of pregnancy after 28 weeks is usually called a premature birth. Spontaneous abortion, repeated at the next one after the other pregnancies (more than 2-fold), called habitual miscarriage. His reasons may be dysfunction of the ovaries, adrenal cortex, inflammatory diseases of genital organs, previous induced abortions, especially during the first pregnancy, and other factors.
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