If necessary, emergency medicine taken at any time of day. Most of the ingested drugs act in an adult person on average about 4-6 hours, and antidiabetics - 10-12 hours. And only the oppression of liver function (eg, cirrhosis, especially alcoholic origin) or kidney duration of medication increases to 8-12 hours after administration.
To maintain the therapeutic effect of the drug during the day, the medication must be taken repeatedly. At the same time interval between individual methods should match the duration of drug action. Otherwise, it may or poisoning, or a reduction in therapeutic effect.
If the ingestible drug is not harmful to the gastric wall and you want to achieve rapid therapeutic effect, can take it before meals. If you are not soon, faster and stronger drug to exert its effect, but not for long. And vice versa.
During the meal you need to take those drugs that are not designed for immediate and strong impact on the body, or those that are unstable in the gastric juice or aggressive toward the stomach.
The drug, taken after a meal, the least exposed to gastric juice, quickly turns into the intestine, fewer acts on the stomach wall. Therefore, after a meal (usually in half an hour) to take drugs, the least resistant to the rapid evacuation of the bowels.
Usually about how the medication is written in the instructions for its use. In cases where there is no indication of this, use the following rule. If the pill is oval shape and coated pills or tablets and coated with a special protective coating, do not chew them. So do with powder in capsules. The remaining pills and powders, preferably before taking into better chew (or grind the other way) and drink water or other liquid.
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