Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sequence of first-aid measures

While rendering the first emergency and first aid must adhere to a particular sequence. Incidentally, the term "first aid" here and below is meant not only the first-aid measures. For example, in grudnichkovogo child suffered constipation (which often occurs in this age group). Naturally, the question about the rapid (within minutes) assistance is not either. But first aid should be given to putting the baby cleansing enema. Or, say, a man crawled into his ear ant. 

Here, too, it goes to emergency, and probably the first, sometimes, the truth, and emergency assistance. If a person is stuck in the throat bone of the fish are urgently needed - an ambulance or emergency - care. The task of man, assisting sick and injured, is primarily to assess the degree of urgency. This is especially important if you are a witness to mass trauma.

The first thing to establish the circumstances under which people were exposed, time of occurrence of injury or impairment of the patient, the scene. When viewed from the patient or the patient should understand what is the severity of his condition, the sequence of first-aid measures to consider how to handle sick or injured, make sure there is appropriate medical supplies or instruments, including the first available means, to solve the problem of transporting the victim to the nearest medical institution.

In severe cases (for example, with profuse bleeding, choking, shock with the threat of death ambulance) emergency (emergency) assistance should have immediately. If the hand is not necessary funds should be held by any of the others, passing, passing.

Large, and often crucial in providing immediate, and even more urgent help has ability to handle sick or injured, without causing it unnecessary suffering, not worsening his condition.

First of all, we must be able to properly release the victim from the clothes. This is particularly important in fractures, heavy bleeding from the clothing, chemical and thermal burns, and suffocation. In addition, the victim often has to raise or lift. It is also necessary to carry out competently. Especially when it is transferred to another location. Often, this has attracted one or two people. If the patient or the person is conscious, he should hug the neck of a Saviour.

We have not yet come back to these issues, but now consider it necessary to give some advice.

If those or other injuries should first take your clothes off with a healthy limb. Then, with damaged limbs blown down the sleeve or pant leg. If you remove them is difficult, it is necessary to undo the seam. To take off your shoes (and clothes) often requires the participation of two people: one fixes the damaged part of the body - an arm or leg.

If bleeding should be cut clothing above the bleeding. Burns, when the clothes stick to your body, it must be cut around the site of the burn - in any case not to interrupt her.

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