Thursday, December 16, 2010


Acclimatization - the process of adaptation of the human body to new climatic conditions (mountainous terrain, a hot or cold climate, etc.). Acclimatization in mountain terrain. The main factors that negatively affect the body in the mountainous terrain, is to reduce the concentration of oxygen in the air and low barometric pressure, and high intensity of ultraviolet radiation from the sun. 

In the process of adaptation to these conditions marked compensatory increase in hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells and blood, increased pulmonary ventilation and increased cardiac output, slowing blood flow, reduced basal metabolic rate, more efficient use of energy resources.

Acclimatization to hot climates. The main factors affecting the human body, finds himself in hot climates, are high temperature, approaching the body temperature, a significant intensity of solar radiation, high humidity air (tropics and subtropics), sharp fluctuations in ambient temperature during the day (or desert semi-desert). The process of acclimatization to hot climate accompanied by increases in heat transfer due to vasodilatation and sweating. At high temperature and high humidity evaporation from the surface of the body is difficult, in this connection is disturbed thermoregulation. There may be fever, rapid breathing and pulse, flushing of the skin with a relative decrease in blood supply to internal organs. These phenomena are enhanced when the muscle load. There is also a thickening of the blood decreases the content in it of chlorine ions, potassium and sodium. People feel an unquenchable thirst and a sense of constant moisture of the body. Much dust levels, usually found in arid areas leads to the formation of cracks on the lips, conjunctivitis and upper respiratory tract infection. Gradually, the sensitivity to dust is somewhat reduced.

As the acclimation processes of thermoregulation stabilized in accordance with temperature conditions return to normal, tan reduces the effect of excessive ultraviolet radiation from the sun. However, in some cases (especially in individuals with impaired function of the cardiovascular system), acclimatization can not attack for many years.

Of the pathological conditions that develop in hot climates are most common heat stroke, heat exhaustion with symptoms of collapse and a slight increase in body temperature, heat cramps (with considerable loss of mineral salts). To prevent these violations and to accelerate acclimatization is very important fixture of work and rest to local conditions. Thus, a working day in hot climates usually starts very early and is divided into two halves with a long break during the hottest midday hours. Food intake is transferred to the morning and evening hours. Great hygienic importance landscaping and moistening, the latitudinal orientation of buildings under construction, the use of these shutters and blinds on the windows, air conditioners, etc.

Acclimatization in the North. The main factors of climate in the north, which adversely affects the body, are low ambient temperatures (in winter down to -60 ° C), violation of light regime (polar night and polar day), ultraviolet deficiency. In the initial period of acclimatization in the north there is an abrupt change in reactivity. Thermoregulation in these conditions is carried out mainly by chemical means: increased heat production by accelerating the exchange reactions, "shaken" inherent in this body accustomed level of equilibrium with the environment. Then there is a gradual alteration of adaptive mechanisms. This process, especially in debilitated, sensitive to fluctuations in meteorological factors (atmospheric pressure, air temperature, etc.) of persons, as well as in children is complicated dysadaptation meteonevrozami, manifested in excessive fatigue, irresistible sleepiness during the day, reduced appetite, and sometimes wheezing. Violation of the usual light conditions (day-night) can lead to insomnia and neurotic states.

As acclimation increases the importance of physical thermoregulation: increased blood volume, increasing the peripheral vascular bed, increases the amount of blood flow to the extremities.

Akklimatizirovavshiesya people in the North, as well as local residents, the longer tolerate cool, they have quickly restored a normal skin temperature after cooling. Accelerate the acclimation contribute regular meals, provision of appropriate clothing, observance of hygienic norms of residential and public buildings, light. Caloric value of daily food ration in the North should not exceed caloric intake for the residents of a temperate climate for 15 - 20%, with about half the diet should be protein and animal fats. Foodstuffs intended for the population of northern regions (especially children, adolescents, pregnant and nursing mothers) should be fortified, especially vitamins C, B1, A and D.. Clothing for residents of Se-belief must have a wind-and waterproof coating. The temperature of air in homes and public buildings should be maintained at 2 -3 ° C higher than in the middle lane. The intensity of artificial light during the polar night to increase. Of great importance are the regular alternation of work and recreation, physical culture and sports.

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