Adenoids - pathological hypertrophy of pharyngeal tonsil. Pharyngeal tonsil is located in the vault of the nasopharynx. It is well developed in childhood, with approximately 12 years of age decreased in size. In adults, nasopharyngeal tonsil, usually atrophies.
Causes of hypertrophy of pharyngeal tonsil varied. Often, the rapid growth of adenoids provoke infectious diseases (measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria, influenza, etc.) that cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and the reaction of lymphoid tissue were examined. Predispose to the development of adenoids adverse living conditions and malnutrition. Great importance in the development of the adenoids also attached allergies.
Clinical picture. The main clinical manifestations of adenoids: intermittent or persistent violation of nasal breathing, profuse nasal discharge, often flowing into the nasopharynx. There are congestion in the nose and even in the paranasal sinuses, leading to swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane. Often develop chronic rhinitis. As a result of difficult nasal breathing children suffering from adenoids, sleep with your mouth open, their dream is usually restless, often accompanied by loud snoring and even attacks of breathlessness, in the morning the child is listless and lethargic, often complaining of a headache. For large adenoids marked violation of phonation, the voice loses sonority takes husky tone.
Closing the opening of auditory tube, adenoids sometimes leads to a significant decrease in hearing, in connection with which a child can be distracted and inattentive. Due to lowering of hearing young children are sometimes a long time can not learn to speak or hardly master the speech. Due to the fact that a child is difficult or not nasal breathing, and constantly open mouth, marked sagging of the lower jaw, smoothing of nasolabial folds. Prolonged mouth breathing may be associated with impaired skeletal growth faces. Particularly noticeable change in the shape of the upper jaw: it lengthens, as if squeezed from the sides, and it appears wedge-shaped, hard palate takes on the form, which is compared with the Gothic arch. Sometimes there abnormal dentition. These changes, coupled with a sluggish and indifferent expression on his face is often called the "adenoid face". Prolonged obstruction of nasal breathing in children may cause abnormal development of the thorax.
Infants tolerate obstruction of nasal breathing heavier than the older children. Restless sleep, impaired sucking lead to nedokarmlivaniyu frequently observed nocturnal cough. Infected adenoids in infants are often the cause of bronchitis and pneumonia.
In children suffering from adenoids, marked disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (poor appetite, repeated vomiting, constipation and diarrhea) and respiratory (insufficient oxygen supply), which leads to anemia and emaciation. Lack of moisture and air purification contribute to the development of rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis. It is also possible acute otitis media.
The diagnosis was based on clinical data and results of the survey laringologicheskogo child.
Treatment should be timely, before the development of marked irregularities. Increasingly resorting to surgery - removing the adenoids (adenotomy). After surgery for 5 - 7 days eliminated the hot, rough, bitter and salty food, chocolate, counter-active games and the child's stay in the sun. Care should be taken if there are any child bleeding (it is asked to spit saliva into a tissue).
Prognosis after surgery favorable, but in some cases may relapse.
Prophylaxis - prevention and timely treatment of respiratory diseases, hardening of the body.
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