Saturday, December 11, 2010

First aid at ARI

The list of acute respiratory disease is fairly wide. Here an ordinary catarrh of the upper respiratory tract (laryngitis, tracheitis), and bronchitis, and influenza, and, finally, pneumonia, which often end with the above infections. Many of these diseases often occur, so to speak, classically, that is, within a few days come to an end in recovery without the use of potent medications. 

But in some cases, these respiratory diseases are complicated, which is fraught with the development of collapse (vascular insufficiency), pulmonary edema, larynx (especially in children), an infectious-toxic shock. Here, in these cases must be made before the arrival of a physician to facilitate the patient's condition by providing him the first way we can.

Patient should be in a well ventilated area. But he should not be exposed to drafts, which is enough by opening the window, to cover his head a light blanket, and the body - more warm clothes.

In severe shortness of breath, especially with asthmatic component, you must use an inhaler with a bronchodilator medicine. When pain in the chest should be given analgesics (analgin, Amidopyrine or the like). You can also use diversionary therapy - for example, put the mustard. The sudden and rapid fall in blood pressure that is accompanied by a blanching of the skin, profuse cold sweating, and clouding of consciousness, we need to introduce an intramuscularly ampule of caffeine, and in more severe cases - 1 vial of adrenaline (we here do not indicate the percentage composition of the drugs, so as he is, first, shown on the ampoules themselves, and secondly, always is the standard).

Successful treatment of bronchial asthma and prevent attacks and used a popular method. In the pot with a tight-fitting lid pour 50 ml of water, put on a plate. When water boils, put it in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. At the spout put a rubber tube, and at its opposite end to attach a plastic funnel. Honey is added after boiling water to avoid loss of volatile antimicrobial substances.

Water should boil moderately. Through a plastic funnel patient inhales the vapors. Breathing should be uniform. Procedure can be done in the morning and evening. The duration of one session - 15-20 minutes. After the procedure is not recommended immediately to go out, especially in cold weather. You can do the procedure for 1 time a day - the evening before bedtime.

With the deterioration of (the progression of shortness of breath, blue face and neck skin, the appearance of suffocation, sudden chest pain, etc.) should call an ambulance. And in general, along with first aid is to invite a local physician clinics, if the patient's condition does not inspire fear, otherwise, should seek emergency help.

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