Saturday, December 11, 2010

Determination of the alleged date of birth

Normal full pregnancy can last from 38 to 42 weeks. According to studies, only four women out of a hundred give birth in the corresponding period. Most give birth within 2 weeks before or after the expected date. Date of birth determines what you like your doctor, only approximate.

Estimated date of birth (AKP) is calculated as follows: to the date of the first day of your last period add 7 days. From that date, Count back 3 months and add 1 year. For example, your last period started on May 10. Add 7 to 10 and now the Count back 3 months. So, your expected term birth - 17 February.

There is the following dependence of SEP on your cycle:

You give birth closer to your SEP if you have your period come regularly every 28 days.

You parents after the expected date, if your cycles are longer than 28 days.

Births may occur earlier than you expect if your cycle is shorter than 28 days.

In determining the duration of pregnancy and childbirth account for the first fetal movements that felt nulliparous 20-week, ie from mid-pregnancy, multiparous - about 2 weeks earlier. However, this feature is subjective and far less important than the date of last menstrual period. The woman often forgets the dates for the first fetal movements or wrongly identifies this date, taking the movement of fetal intestinal peristalsis.

Time of fetal movements is considered only as a secondary symptom.

Of great importance are the data of objective inquiry: the determination of the uterus, stomach volume and height of uterus, fetal length and head size.

The magnitude of the uterus and the height of its state at different periods of pregnancy:

At the end of the first month of pregnancy, obstetric (4 weeks), the uterus is approximately the size of chicken eggs.

At the end of the second Midwifery months (8 weeks), the uterus corresponds to approximately the size of a goose egg.

At the end of the third midwifery months (12 weeks), the size of the uterus reaches head of the newborn.

Starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, uterine fundus is felt through the anterior abdominal wall, and the pregnancy is judged by the height of standing uterus. At the end of the fourth month (16 weeks), the bottom of the uterus is located midway between the pubis and the navel.

At the end of the fifth month of Midwifery (20 weeks) uterine fundus on two cross fingers below the navel, visibly bulging of the abdominal wall.

At the end of the sixth month of Midwifery (24 weeks) uterine fundus at the level of the navel.

At the end of the seventh month of Midwifery (28 weeks), the bottom of the uterus is determined by 2-3 fingers above the navel.

At the end of the eighth month of Midwifery (32 weeks) uterine fundus is halfway between the umbilicus and xiphoid process of sternum. Navel starts to flatten. The circumference of the abdomen at the navel 80-85 cm

At the end of the ninth month of Midwifery (36 weeks) uterine fundus rises to the xiphoid process and costal arches. This is the highest level of state DNA pregnant uterus, abdominal circumference of 90 cm Navel flattened.

At the end of the tenth month of Midwifery (40 weeks), the bottom of the uterus descends to the level at which it was at the end of the 8 th month, ie until the middle of the distance between the umbilicus and xiphoid process. Umbilicus protrudes. Abdominal circumference 95-98 cm

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