Saturday, December 11, 2010

Pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy - is one of the most important moments in the lives of women. It was during pregnancy, she feels her mission, aware of its role in the lives of all mankind. Whatever happens in the lives of women during pregnancy - all loses its seemingly great importance, when she reminisces about his unusual condition. At this time, it becomes more responsive to your body, pay attention to every change in even the most unobtrusive. 

We recommend that the expectant mother to enjoy this unforgettable state to communicate with the unborn baby and be happy to wait for his birth.

"I've never felt so good!" - So many women cry after learning about the upcoming birth of a child. The fact of the upcoming motherhood gives strength and a wonderful sense of invulnerability, especially if it's long-awaited child.

Pregnancy - a great time of union. Talk with your baby, sing lullabies to him, listen to music together. What you feel, feels he is! Enjoy your state! However, happiness - does not mean complacency. Therefore, many pregnant women want to know more about his new condition, occurring in their body changes, how to grow and develop their child and how to help him prepare to enter into a huge new world. It is for them and written this section of the encyclopedia. Here you will find everything - and a complete description of the child in the womb, and methods of diagnosing pregnancy and advice on proper diet, a regime of work and leisure lifestyle. Special attention is paid to various diseases during pregnancy, taking medications, and discusses pathology, and algorithms for action in case of their occurrence. Also covered issues of planning pregnancy, for advice on preparation for childbirth.

This handbook will be useful not only for expectant mothers and their families, but also doctors, midwives, antenatal clinic workers. For them, the book provides recommendations on the organization of work with pregnant women, in their observation and assistance.

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